Tuesday, May 17, 2011

General's Retreat - Bank Owned

First, I'm sorry for the lack of updates.  The developer pulled their submission to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, so our voice was heard and no apartments will be built!

We were recently informed that the two lots composing General's Retreat are now bank owned.  The home on Columbia avenue  was to be auctioned by May 2nd.  We toured the home and it was in need of far too much work, I'm afraid it will need to be torn down.  On the positive side, this home is zoned residential so nothing further could happen to damage the surrounding community (such as an apartment building).

Curiously enough, Crystal Clear had their equipment running there and the auctioneer representative was allowing people to walk through their network room.  The residents of General's Retreat have long been attempting to get a competing vendor in the community, but the developers had a significant conflict of interest.  First, they were controlling the HOA, second, they had an interest in Crystal Clear.

There has been no word on the HOA, but my next concern would be for the network operations room in the auctioned home.  If it is shutdown, what will happen to phone, internet, and satellite services for which Crystal Clear is charging significantly?

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